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Roger Bird

You Know Better

Inspired by the song, “You Know Better Than I”

I saw a cloud and thought it was the sky.

You see all the heavens - you know the how and why.

I saw a lake and thought it was the sea.

You see the wide expanse of earth and water; you know better than me.

I look at this life and think it is all there will ever be.

You see worlds and people without number, the whole of eternity.

You know better than I - you see all things from the start,

you see not as a man sees another; you look upon the heart. (1 Samuel 16: 7)

You know the end from the beginning,

Your hand is over us continually to help turn us from sinning. (Abraham 2:8)

When you said “Your ways are not my ways”, nothing could be more true. (Isaiah 55: 8-9)

Your ways and thinking are better, with no restricted view.

My eyes cannot possibly see or understand,

all of the things that you have prepared for me in this telestial land.

My feeble torch illuminates the night only so far,

Your light turns the night into day, with a brightness of a million stars.

The road ahead is uncertain to me, but thou knowest how I will fare,

I must trust in thy guidance and rely on thy constant care.

Trials that I face, I may not see their purpose until another day.

I make so many mistakes; I hope to understand why I often stray.

I see the road ahead from the ground with restricted views on every side,

You see the journey, its direction and destination, from a million miles high.

From a distance, from your holy view,

you see all that I can be, all that I can do.

“What is man that thou art mindful of him?”; (Psalms 8: 4)

You made man the highest form of life, even with our vision so dim. (Hebrews 2: 6)

The wisdom of man is foolishness unto God, (2 Nephi 9: 28)

being learned only profits us when His counsel we follow and His providence we laud.

You can make more of me than I can make of myself,

You can change my nature in ways I could never imagine to improve my wellbeing and


You know better than I, you know the way,

You know what is best for me and supply those things every moment of the day.


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