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Roger Bird

When No One Is Around

The exhausted runner lunged past the finish line

and collapsed in a heap, every muscle exercised beyond it’s prime.

He had gone past the red zone and then gave a little more,

always seeking to better the time from the pace before.

He had hit the wall, gave all he had and garnered the crowds respect.

He did his best and really that is all one can expect.

What we see in the race is but a moment of greatness

but it is in the hours of preparation that reveals the true contest.

It’s not in the final seconds of the race when all eyes are watching,

but in the hours of training when all muscles are complaining.

The competition on the track may not be the hardest part –

it is usually the miles before that develops the runners’ heart.

Hundreds of laps were run prior to the big event

when few were around to witness the physical struggle and internal conflict.

Every stride brought its challenges, whether fatigue or pain.

Every stretch of the course brought the sweat and endless mind games.

It’s where we see the breaking point exceeded and surpassed,

when sometimes all looks hopeless and giving up seems best,

When one more step would be too much to offer.

When there is no more in the tank to go further.

When there is no one on the sidelines cheering you on,

it’s just you and your determination that keeps you going strong.

The color of the medal or the placement on the podium may determine the fame

but also obscure the unseen effort that the athlete was able to sustain.

The finish will prove that hard work and developed talent is rewarded

along with the battle of mind over matter that truly counted.

It is said that our true self is revealed when we are alone -

when there is no one around to impress or make our actions known.

The same mantra can be said for any great effort or feat -

it is when no one is watching where we discover the greatest victory or defeat.

February 2023

“The true test of a man’s character is what he does when no one is watching.”

-John Wooden

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