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Roger Bird

What Manner of Men

Updated: Dec 1, 2021

3 Nephi 27:27

“What manner of men ought ye to be”?,

is the question posed by the Holy One from Galilee.

As we strive to be like God and His Son,

we may only have a glimpse of their vision of what we can become.

To be perfected and live as they,

requires becoming a new creature and doing the things they do and say.

Being born again with His image in our countenance, (Alma 5: 14)

is a lifelong pursuit of living a life of excellence.

Our hearts may be ever been inclined to do that which is good,

but the flesh is weak and we are often not willing to do that which we should.

Two steps forward and one step back seems to be our pace,

the progress is often slow in this endless eternal race.

What does it require then to stay the course - what did the Savior say?

we must first love God and also our neighbors each and every day.

We must put principles and values above all other things,

treat others as ourselves, as equal and respected human beings.

There should never be need for anger, contention, violence and strife -

if we live as the Redeemer lived and taught, He promises a better life.

We can respect each other’s views, even when they differ from our own,

recognize that we are all children of God, regardless of race, religion, gender or home.

We should seek for truth in all the right places,

gain understanding and wisdom from heavenly sources.

As a country of pilgrims we need to honor our democratic processes and institutions,

respect rules and laws and follow the ideals of our constitution.

In these last days, perilous times will come and stay,

selfish men will commit shameful acts - from such turn away. (2 Timothy 3: 1-5)

In our time, even the very elect will be deceived,

many will deny God and the blessings from Him they have received.

Even so, we must never give up hope, but keep moving to the light,

the teachings of Christ must be always in our sight.

Let us be determined to keep on this narrow path,

until we reach the final destination at long last.

The road is slippery; I fall and rise again,

for it is in the rising that eternal life is gained.

Looking beyond the mark will only cause me to stray,

Christ is the mark, the light, the truth and the way.

Let God prevail in our lives, is the advice we need to heed,

we need to become more like the Savior in every word and deed.


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