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Roger Bird

What Do I Yet Lack?

Updated: Dec 1, 2021

(Mark Chapter 10)

When Christ looked upon the rich young man, he loved him dearly.

When He looked upon the adulterous woman, he forgave her completely.

When He beholds us, what does He see that we or others cannot?

He sees the good as well as that which we are not.

Perhaps this is the question that we should consider each day:

What do I lack that I can improve in some way?

When we seek to know ourselves and open up our minds,

we find things we can do better; if we seek, we shall find.

There may be many things to work on, so start with one thing to mend,

then move on to another, it is a worthy effort that should never end.

To the young man, the message was disappointing but clear,

but the thing he lacked, he could not bring himself to bear.

To resolve that which we lack takes time, effort and sacrifice,

it takes determination and will power to change those things we don’t find very nice.

For those who trust in riches, the way to eternal life is obscure with very few true friends,

it is the love of money that corrupts, when wealth is not used as God intends.

Who then can be saved, if riches are favored more than doing good?,

for many of us seek riches for selfish desires more than we should.

The answer that Jesus gave may have multiple lessons to bring,

With God, all things are possible, no matter what the thing.

This is true in gaining that which we lack or need to improve,

and in seeking treasure, the kind that God would approve.

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