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Roger Bird

We Can Know for Sure

Updated: Jan 17, 2022

(Ether Chapter 12, Moroni Chapters 7 & 10, Alma Chapter 32)

The weathered man bent down and inspected the young sprout.

After all these years of planting, had he taken for granted how life comes about?

He was essentially a biologist with the occupation of a farmer.

He had long studied how plants can be raised in the most efficient manner.

He knew the mechanics of how seeds turn into plants and produce fruit,

but it still amazed him how such small kernels could produce vast

quantities of food.

Each spring when he planted, he had to exercise faith in the process

in order to enjoy the reward at the end of the harvest.

Planting was just the first step in the process of cultivation.

Proper nourishment from soil, sun and water would determine the amount of success at the end of the season.

Weeds, insects and weather would perhaps limit the amount of production.

Pollination, fertilization and crop rotation were also essential parts of

the farming operation.

With all the challenges and effort to bring the success he desired,

the farmer realized that it was still God who was in charge.

He looked up and gave thanks for the bounties that God provided -

aware that after all he did, it was by the Lord that all things are created.

He thought how faith needed to be applied in all aspects of life -

that spiritual growth was like a gate that moved on the hinge of faith.

Faith can die, just as seeds that fall by the wayside and whither in the sun,

if the conditions are not right and the necessary care is not given.

There were many things about his eternal existence that he did not understand,

but he knew that just like farming, he had to put his trust in God’s benevolent hands.

If God removed all of the things that are uncertain or cause us to doubt,

why would we need to have faith in what life is all about?

At times when his questions caused him concern or alarm,

he relied on past times when the spirit had positively witnessed to him.

One thing was certain, this much he knew and believed -

God has prepared a way for us to know the truth and not be deceived.

We can have the unmistakable confirmation of all truth revealed to us,

through inspiration and impressions from the Holy Ghost.

January 2022

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