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Roger Bird

Unto The Least

Updated: Dec 3, 2021

See lyrics to the song "Another Day In Paradise" by Phil Collins and Genesis

(Matthew 25: 35-40)

When you encounter a person, down on their luck and seeking relief,

do you pass them by, wanting to avoid inconvenience and grief?

They may be hungry or thirsty or in need of clean clothes to wear;

do you disregard their situation and the burden that they bear?

Do you visit the sick or afflicted or those who desire to be freed,

is it too much trouble to go out of your way and help them with their need?

What if the least kind of person is really a king in disguise?;

or perhaps a lost friend that you fail to recognize.

The words of Jesus may help us understand how valuable the least may be:

“Verily I say unto you, that inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me”

Treat and care for others as if we are doing the same to the Father and Son,

This is the message that I think he wants us to learn and the type of person to become.

Said King Benjamin, a man of great wisdom and compassion, a person we can laud:

“When ye are in the service of your fellow beings, ye are only in the service of your God”. (Mosiah 2: 17)

The Son of God came here to earth to instruct us how to live and care,

for family, friends, neighbors - even strangers and the very least, we should be there.

Christ gave advice on perhaps the most important thing we can do:

“Do unto others, as ye would have them do unto you”

It’s all about seeking the best interest of others and providing care they cannot give,

hence this admonition from Christ: “Love your neighbor as yourself” as the way we should live.

Hugh B. Brown: “the surest test that someone is living the gospel of Jesus Christ is how they treat others”

This is the true test of discipleship and real ministering to our sisters and brothers.

By this you can tell if the teachings of Jesus have been planted firmly in your soul,

It is how well you love and treat others that you will know.


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