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Roger Bird

To Be Forgiven

A man lay dying, his season on earth was at an end -

it was a time of contemplation, a final hour with family and dear friends.

The aging citizen was filled with immense gratitude for many blessings and gifts,

as he looked into the past, trying to grasp the totality of a life well spent.

A good friend sat close, witnessing the gathering so tender,

he knew this would be an experience he would long remember.

He posed a question that seemed right for the moment,

something profound on which he thought his friend may like to comment.

“You have mentioned many blessings that have come your way -

of them all, what is the greatest one you can tell us about today?”

The dying man thought deeply - there was confidence in his response,

“to be forgiven” was his simple answer - “to be forgiven is a gift unmatched”.

“You see, I have made many mistakes of which I have sorrowed for,

“I wish I had “come to myself” sooner in life and given others so much more”

“The one hope I have is that I am better now than at the start,

I hope I have changed enough, improved enough and now have a better heart”

“I am going to meet my maker soon and receive an assessment of my time on earth,

I know he will be kind and help me judge the actions of every moment from my birth”

“There are many treasures I sought while living here in the flesh,

but there is only one of lasting value, only one that is the very best”.

“There are many things essential, many of great importance,

but none compare to the promise of salvation through the blessing of repentance”.

“The ability to repent, to receive forgiveness is the prize I cherish most,

to be absolved of actions which hurt others and often filled me with great remorse.”

Thankfully, the Son of God came to the earth for this very purpose – it is His work and glory lest we forget,

to save the penitent through the miracle and precious gift of the atonement.

As tears ran down his cheeks, all could see the peace in his eyes and face,

the man was truly humbled by the thought of this marvelous heavenly grace.

Many in the room resolved to be better people that day,

to love others more fully, to seek forgiveness daily, to stay in the path and in the right way.

Since God can call us home at any time, without a moment’s notice,

we should not procrastinate the opportunity to repent until the Bridegroom cometh.

March 2021

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