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Roger Bird

The Sermon, Part II

Matthew 5-7

The villager looked up and beheld the Master as He sat and taught -

he was hoping to hear the words of eternal life for which he so diligently sought.

As one of His followers he still did not understand,

the magnitude of the moment, especially his new role as disciple and trusted friend.

He thought it was time that he started a life worth living.

He believed Jesus would provide the foundation for which he was searching.

This is the message he heard and fortunately is recorded for us today -

the greatest discourse on how we should treat others and live a much better way.

As he listened, he realized that a higher law was now in place,

these were new rules for living that would empower the human race.

God wants to give every good thing to His children here on earth,

if we ask, seek and knock, the way is opened for us from birth.

Seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness,

is the way that all good things will be added unto us.

If the mind is not pure, righteous actions cannot follow,

therefore kindness and love are the seeds that within us must continually grow.

Those who would see God and obtain the kingdom of heaven,

are those who are meek, humble, pure in heart - with good works acting as leaven.

“Ye are the light of the world” - that which must not be hid,

a light that should illuminate our good works for the glory of God.

Turning the other cheek and loving enemies was not common thinking at the time,

but it is ageless advice that could only come from a source divine.

The manner in which to fast and pray was made known to the congregation,

as well as the concept of forgiveness that should be instilled in every generation.

Individual fasting and prayer are better as private matters and not for public display;

we should seek solitude and offer gratitude whenever we pray.

The sermon concluded and Jesus left the throng so they could converse and ponder.

The disciple walked down the hill with a greater perspective, filled with excitement and wonder.

July 2021

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