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Roger Bird

The Prodigal

Updated: Jan 5, 2022

(Luke, chapter 15)

The young man looked up, his heart pleading to God for relief -

his selfish actions had brought him immense desperation and grief.

Surely this was the lowest point in his young and rebellious life,

he saw no hope in deliverance from this self-imposed daily strife.

He had turned his back on his family and left for a far away place.

He soon wasted his inheritance on actions that brought him disgrace.

He obtained the only work he could find in his desperate situation -

for one of Jewish descent, it was the worst possible position.

He was so malnourished he believed he would soon perish with hunger –

he would fain to eat the husks that were fed to the swine he watched over.

Now that everything was gone, had vanished in thin air,

he began to appreciate things for which he had before taken little care.

He thought of the servants of his father who had bread enough to spare.

He determined to return home - not as a worthy son but with hope of just

being a servant there.

As he traveled the long road home he wondered if he would be accepted -

would he be forgiven or shamefully rejected ?

His father saw him afar off and rejoiced to see his son returning,

he ran and embraced his long-lost child with tears overflowing.

How much more joy there is in the soul that repents,

than those who do not stray and lose their spiritual sense.

The child that was thought lost had been found and returned,

he was restored to the life that at one time he had spurned.

The prodigal son would soon discover,

that the love of a parent is love that does not waver.

Can we even imagine the great joy that is found in God’s estate,

when the heavenly host sees a person improve and secure a better fate?

It is never too late, never past time,

for a penitent soul to start making an upward climb.

It is written that the worth of souls is great in the sight of our Heavenly Father -

there is nothing more important to Him than our eternal welfare.

We are all prodigal children and often exhibit bad behavior,

all are in need of repentance and thankfully can be rescued by a loving Savior.

May 2021

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