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Roger Bird

The Great Experiment

Updated: Dec 1, 2021

(Inspired by Alma Chapter 32)

Planted in the soil, a seed is nourished by the earth,

refreshing water and the warmth of the air.

Planted in the heart, the pleasing word of God is nourished

by faith, the spirit of truth and fervent prayer.

As they sprout, the seeds of the word and of the tree change and grow.

They reach upward to the source of life and the place we all can know.

Without constant nourishment the seeds will wither away,

consumed by the concerns of the world and the heat of the day.

I must not cast away the seed by my lack of faith or resist the spirit I feel,

The seed has the power to guide my steps and all my wounds to heal.

How can one tell the seed is good and can bless?

Within my heart the seed of the word feeds my soul with sweet finesse.

The word is delicious and enlightens the understanding in my heart.

As it grows there is little comparison from where it did start.

As the seed becomes a tree, ever nourished with the utmost care,

the fruit is most precious, pure and pleasing beyond compare.

As I feast upon the fruit, no more hunger and thirst do I feel.

With certainty I acknowledge that this feeling is real.

I am now awake, the faculties aroused in my soul.

The experiment is now complete, my faith has made me whole.

Out of one seed from the fruit come many more,

These seeds too can grow and bless my life forevermore.


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