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Roger Bird

The Golden Rule

Updated: Dec 1, 2021

(Matthew 7: 12, Luke 6: 31, 3 Nephi 14: 12, James 2: 8, Matthew 19: 19, D&C 59: 6, D&C 38: 24)

There is a rule, so treasured that it holds a special place,

a rule that will lift and bless the entire human race.

“Treat others as you wish to be treated”, is so simple and so clear,

“Do unto others”; how could we not follow such a message while we are here?

It sounds so simple, so easy to follow,

But for many the words only ring hollow.

It shines like gold for all to readily see,

but few give heed, their own pleasures they seek.

More precious than gold or any earthly prize,

the benefit can easily be found if we only open our eyes.

This higher law will lead us to elevated ground,

it is the truest test of humanity that can be found.

Alas, our record as humans, as children of a God who is on our side,

is a tale of destruction, selfishness and pride.

But, we can change the world if each one does their part,

we can live as Jesus taught and give the world a fresh start.

You and I can make a difference if we try,

To not harm or injure a brother or sister, steal or lie.

We can serve, inspire, love our fellow beings and great gifts give,

in ways that God intends for us to live.

To save another and help them believe,

is the highest accomplishment that man can achieve.

“Live long and prosper” is a great motto for our day,

it comes in second to the golden rule, when we live in Jesus' way.


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