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Roger Bird

Super Heroes

Updated: Dec 1, 2021

There are super heroes, whose virtues remain untouched by time.

They stand above all others, even those who fight the battle against crime.

They can’t fly or throw blasts of energy out of their hands,

but they do have super powers and a lot of faithful fans.

They aren’t the super athletes to be found,

on soccer fields, basketball courts or stadiums in the round.

They can’t score a goal, slam dunk a ball or hit one over the fence,

But these heroes are the ones who make a real difference.

The super heroes of whom I speak,

are those of whom the world should really seek.

There is Ammon who could not be hurt or killed while doing God’s work.

He served among the Lamanites and helped convert them to the truth.

There is Captain Moroni, a stanch defender of freedom and right, (Alma Chapter 48)

who labored for the improvement of his people with all his might.

He raised a banner of liberty for all who would see;

A call to action to maintain righteousness and liberty.

A man of God, firm in the faith of Christ, a person of valor,

He defended the cause of the Christians and sought his people’s welfare.

There are the Stripling Warriors, 2,060 young men and valiant souls,

(Alma 53: 16-21, 56: 45-48, 56, 58:39-40)

whose courage and faith preserved every single one in battle against their ominous foes.

There are the People of Ammon, who put down their weapons of rebellion and war,

who were willing to sacrifice their lives rather than take the life of one more.

There is Nephi, son of Lehi, a great man of faith you may say,

His motto was: “ I will go, I will do, the Lord will provide and make a way,

He saw in vision the history of man,

and detailed the eternal concepts of God’s great plan.

These are some of the heroes of times long past, but who are the heroes of our day?

Who inspires you and helps you along the way?

Who stands for virtuous principles and wants the best for you?

Who seeks the will of God and instructs what you should do?

Is it a prophet or bishop or even your dad or mom,

a teacher, a coach or friend who steers you along?

Look closer to home and I am sure you will see,

the best super heroes are the ones that help you be the best person that you can be.


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