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Roger Bird

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Updated: Dec 1, 2021

There are some who have risked their lives, (Alma the Younger and the Sons of Mosiah)

to share truth and knowledge that many would despise. (Alma 26: 28-30)

The thought that any soul should perish or be lost,

filled their hearts with a dread that made them act, at any cost. (Mosiah 28:3)

They had experienced the trials that come from sin,

they desired that others could avoid that same spiritual suffering.

The worth of souls is great in the sight of God, our Creator; (D&C 18:10-16)

we are his children, his offspring - he loves us like no other.

It is his greatest work to bring us back home spiritually alive and well,

this is an effort in which we can assist and save others from a life that is not so swell.

To leave home and family to venture to a new place to serve,

is an experience that some would feel that they are not qualified for or deserve.

Indescribable joy is the reward of those who labor in the Lord’s field,

bringing repentant souls to God brings a plentiful yield.

If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work; (D&C 4: 3)

your sincere desire and efforts will help you succeed in a cause we cannot shirk.

Behold the field is white already to harvest;

many are seeking the truth but just don’t know where to find it.

Many seeds will be planted, a few will flourish and grow,

hearts will feel the spirit’s guiding power, helping them to know.

He that thrusteth in his sickle with his might will rejoice to see the harvest complete,

when we go “all in” and give our best effort, we will see rewards that are so sweet.

Saving others also brings salvation within our reach,

we become like Jesus, saviors to our fellowmen when we share and teach. (D&C 4: 4)

To qualify for this work, we must have faith, hope, charity and love, (D&C 4 :5)

an eye single to the glory of God will insure help from above.

There are those that only you can reach and touch,

those to whom you minister will come to love you so much.

You have developed gifts and talents that you can share every day,

your character, personality and testimony will win hearts seeking a better way.

Like the angels who bring messages from God to men on earth,

you also have tidings of great joy to deliver to others in their search.

There will be many who turn you away, disregard your views,

the Savior explained it best when he said they know not what they do.

There will be those who listen, those who care to know what is real,

the very elect can hear his voice; the spirit they will feel.

The place to which you have been called is the place that will suit you the best,

it is the place God knows you can help much better than the rest.

Great miracles will be yours, if you do not doubt,

you will see the hand of God as you share with others what life is all about.

The Spirit shall be given you by faithful prayers to help those who seek,

the Holy Ghost can penetrate a heart with the words you speak. (D&C 42;14) (2 Nephi 33:1)

Like Alma praying for his sons in Nephite days gone past,

the prayers of family and friends will be effectual in your behalf.

You will feel that influence as the days come and go,

the prayers of the faithful on this side and the other will be felt, as you already well know.


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