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Roger Bird

Seek This Jesus

(Isaiah 9:6, Isaiah Chapter 53) (Ether12:41)

What do you seek at this glorious time of the year?

What will most bring hope, light and peace into your life, as well as good cheer?

There is one who gave his all,

who came to earth to save us from our transgressions and from the fall.

He was ordained in the courts above before he came to earth,

his coming was foretold by angels and prophets long before his birth.

Known as the Messiah, the Prince of Peace, the Savior of mankind,

he is the precious gift from God to redeem us and salvation find.

Angels would proclaim his miraculous birth in a lowly stable,

wise men and shepherds would seek him right away, as soon as they were able.

“I am the way, the truth and the life” he would proclaim,

we should always look to him and be proud to take upon ourselves his name.

As a boy he would learn “line upon line and grace upon grace”

what his role would be to bless the whole human race.

As a young man, He would teach and inspire his elders,

he went about his Father’s business to serve as our rudder and anchor.

As he started his ministry to proclaim the “good news” of the Father,

he would heal the sick, give sight to the blind and make whole all others.

The Good Shepherd would proclaim the truth about the purpose of life,

teach us how to treat others and find peace from heartache and strife.

The Everlasting Father who would bear our burdens and heal us with his stripes,

He would suffer and take upon himself all our sins and lead us to eternal life.

He knows how to succor us because he has experienced what we have and more,

he has seen every hardship, every struggle, every pain of the sins of others that he alone


From the garden of Gethsemane to the cross at Calvary,

the Lamb of God conquered death and made possible eternal life and immortality.

As we look to find the light from Jesus and his teachings each day of the week,

they can motivate us lift our neighbor and their welfare to always seek.

Perhaps the most important thing he taught was that we should love and care for one another,

we should treat everyone as a beloved sister and brother.

May the spirit of Christmas abide in your hearts always and serve as a mighty beacon,

let his grace and love fill your hearts and help us to continually remember the reason for the season.

December 2020

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