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Roger Bird

Seek and Ye Shall Find

Updated: Dec 12, 2021

Inspired by the Parable of The Two Villages

Recently I met a man as I traveled to a new town -

he had just come from there he said, as he made a sullen frown.

“Say, what kind of people are in the village ahead”?, I asked as I walked by.

He spun around and looked me squarely in the eye.

“I would turn around if I were you; you will discover no one of any use -

I found only rude and angry people, ready to offer all kinds of abuse”

As I paused and wondered if I should continue on that course,

I saw another man, riding toward me on his horse.

This gentleman happened to be coming from the very same place.

I greeted him and noticed a smile upon his jovial face.

I was curious as to his take on the area he had just come from -

“what is your impression of the people”?, I asked the good man.

“It is the most marvelous spot that you will ever find -

the people there are gracious, friendly and so very kind.”

I said goodbye to the stranger and pondered on what lay ahead -

it was clear that each man had a varied experience and frankly I was confused by what

they said.

Why was there such a divergence of opinion about a community of this sort?

Were the people as devoid as a desert or as refreshing as a tropical resort?

A thought came to me as I deliberated further,

perhaps each man had found what they had really searched for.

I decided to continue on my journey to the community up ahead -

I knew that I would find whatever I looked for in every place I would tread.

The faults of another may be easy to see -

the good things may be hidden until we look more carefully.

When we focus on seeing the good, the flaws will not take center stage -

we will not look beyond the mark and miss opportunities to embrace people of every age.

I learned a great lesson that day on the road to this city of mystery and wonder -

that I should look for the good in every person I encounter.

August – September 2021

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