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Roger Bird

Red Sea Moments

A tribute to Dallas Jenkins and “The Chosen” Series

The man knelt down to offer a humble prayer of gratitude.

Tears were flowing, another “Red Sea Moment” had just occurred.

His wife had coined the phrase when it happened before.

It had special meaning now to explain tender mercies from the Lord.

It’s when your back is against the wall and no escape looks possible -

or when you are facing an obstacle that looks impassable.

When you are painted into a corner and backing up is not an option,

that’s when you know there is only one power that can make miracles happen.

When you know things are out of your hands, out of your control -

and there is nothing else you can do to accomplish your goals.

It’s really not all up to you, now is it ?

You are powerless to go further without divine assistance.

When you have given your all and don’t know what else to do -

that’s when your faith is the only thing that will carry you through.

A particle of faith can go along way,

if you don’t give up, but trust that God will carry the day.

Just when all looks lost and hope is fading,

the fog lifts and things start to look amazing.

Things suddenly fall into place and turn out for the good -

when the Lord is involved, things happen the way that they should.

As the man rose to his feet, he felt awash with relief -

this Red Sea Moment had passed and he had overcome defeat.

When Moses and the children of Israel faced the water with Egyptians bearing down,

it looked like there was no hope as they ran out of dry ground.

God parted the sea at just the right moment -

the people passing through, perhaps just getting their feet wet.

So, don’t give up when the all the doors look closed before you.

Be patient and watch as God clears the path so you can go through.

February 2022

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