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Roger Bird

Milk Before Meat

Updated: Dec 15, 2021

John sat uneasily in his seat at the small but elegant funeral home.

His uncle was being honored for his faith and a life of service, love and devotion.

This talk of God, death and the afterlife he thought was just a religious crutch.

He was once a person who believed, but now not so much.

That night he had a dream about his deceased uncle Fred.

It was so vivid that he awoke suddenly a few hours after going to bed.

In the dream he saw himself on a commuter platform next to a train waiting to board.

The passenger cars were filling fast with an eager and excited horde.

He noticed that the passengers in the front cars were enjoying a sumptuous meal,

while the people in the back cars were enjoying what looked like wholesome gruel.

Suddenly the conductor walked by and John reached out a hand to inquire:

“Please, can you tell me why the difference in the food served in the cars?”

“Oh, this is a stop where the beginners can board.

They must first sup on the simple until their health is restored”.

“Those are ones who have spiritually starved themselves -

in their condition it would not be best for them to be nourished by something else”.

“They can eventually transfer to the cars ahead and enjoy a better feast -

but they must first get used to bread and milk before partaking of the meat”

John looked down at his boarding ticket and saw the car to which he was assigned -

it was one in the back and that was where he would dine.

John realized then that he must first start over in his quest to join the heavenly throng -

He thought: “I must begin with the basics first- things I've known all along."

Before moving to catch this heaven-bound train, he noticed his uncle in a car ahead.

As his relative smiled and waved, John realized that he could one day join his uncle Fred.

Fred opened the window and reached out with a card in his hand.

On it in gold letters were the words – “Seek Him and Ye Shall Find”

John awoke from this dream with a start and lay there pondering –

“perhaps there is more to God and life than I have been believing”.

God gives many chances to those who have left themselves behind-

it is never too late to start anew with the promise that if we seek, we shall find.

October 2021

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