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Roger Bird

Messenger and the Message

Updated: Dec 7, 2021

(John the Baptist, Christ as described in Isaiah 53:2)

I once met a man along the way,

who was not pleasant to behold, I must truly say.

He was a messenger from God he declared;

his message had eternal importance for all those who really cared.

His features were rough, his message at first not plainly clear;

he said that only those with eyes could see and ears could hear.

As I related this tale to a friend much more wise,

he asked me about the message, not what I saw with my eyes.

I pondered aloud that my judgement may have been too swift;

I now understand the message was not of this world; it was meant to give souls a heavenly lift.

You see the things of God can only be spiritually discerned;

the outward appearance is not what is important, from him I learned.

Now when I see a messenger in the temple, church or on the street,

I will look on the heart and focus on the message sweet.

The next time a message from God arrives at my door,

I will open my mind, my heart, and seek to know more.


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