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Roger Bird

May You Always Feel Blessed

Inspired by the song “Forever Young” written by Bob Dylan and covered by Rod Stewart and the lyrics of the song “Hand to Hold” by JJ Heller.

Based on the format of an Irish Blessing.

May prosperity be with you and felicity abound.

May the grace of God be a treasure that you seek and is always found.

May you learn to be meek, gentle, humble and true

and do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

May you give thanks to God for the sunrise and sunset

and be grateful for everything in-between He has blessed you with.

May you greet each day with optimism and a smile

and let God in your life to constantly prevail.

May your steps be secure upon every demanding slope.

May obstacles turn into challenges that reveal your courage and hope.

When you face the winds of adversity, may your foundation ever be strong.

When the tempests rage around you, may your song of faith not be left unsung.

When the noise and cares of the world seem to never cease,

may you always find inward tranquility and peace.

In times of hardship may you hear God speak to your soul.

May you find answers to questions that only He would know.

In this world where truth is so difficult to find,

may His Spirit show the way clearly in your heart and in your mind.

May you stand up for what is right at all times and in all places

and have abundant strength of character when trouble shows its many faces.

May sunshine and happiness encompass you wherever you may be.

May you spread joy and cheer as far as the eye can see.

May you look earnestly for the good and love in others

and treat all people as cherished sisters and brothers.

May you leave each person better than you found them

and seek to make each stranger a new and cherished friend.

May you have true friends who stand by you through thick or thin

and always have your back whether you lose or win.

May you feel safe in the warm embrace of God above

and recognize His care for you and feel His never-ending love.

May the living light inside you be your compass as you go.

May you feel His hand in yours when your journey starts to slow.

May you discover the purpose of life and your reason for living

and take the opportunity of giving more than of receiving.

May you do good continually and share truth and light.

May you have the fortitude to defend the principles upon which you have built your life.

May God bless you in whatever comes your way.

May you feel immensely treasured and valued each and every day.

September 2023

2 Nephi 32: 3 & 5 Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they speak the words of Christ. Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do. For behold, again I say unto you that if ye will enter in by the way, and receive the Holy Ghost, it will show unto you all things what ye should do.

Moroni 7: 16 For behold, the Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil; wherefore, I show unto you the way to judge; for every thing which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ, is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ; wherefore ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God.

Russell M. Nelson, “Let God Prevail”, October 2020

The question for each of us, regardless of race, is the same. Are you willing to let God prevail in your life? Are you willing to let God be the most important influence in your life? Will you allow His words, His commandments, and His covenants to influence what you do each day? Will you allow His voice to take priority over any other? Are you willing to let whatever He needs you to do take precedence over every other ambition? Are you willing to have your will swallowed up in His?

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