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Roger Bird

Life is Not Fair

Updated: Dec 1, 2021

Life is just not fair, I said without remorse,

why do I have all these problems while on this earthly course?

I see what others have and I try not to be envious, I confess;

they seem to have everything that I do not possess.

Bigger houses, nicer cars, better vacations they seem to enjoy,

their families appear to be happy with their abundance of machines and toys.

They can walk and run without pain; I used to be that way,

I think of the many things I cannot do today.

Then one day my eyes were opened and this is what I observed:

A man with deformed legs struggling to run in the cemetery with a brother.

A man who seldom leaves his home, his illnesses without a cure.

A woman in a wheelchair struggling with all she has to endure.

A neighbor without a companion, who has long passed away.

A single mother, supporting and raising children alone every day.

A friend whose face is partially disfigured; his speech and hearing impaired.

A family recovering from the loss of a child, heartbroken he wasn't spared.

A friend in a wheelchair who faithfully attends church every week.

Friends who provide constant care to a son with autism; a boy who will never speak.

A spouse with physical pain almost every day, who seldom finds relief.

Friends whose daughter has downs-syndrome; their respite often brief.

I could recount similar situations for many hours if I tried,

for many people, their troubles are known and their cares they cannot hide.

To the poor and the hungry who can’t find a better way,

To the outcast and unwanted that have no real home or place to stay.

To the lonely, who feel unwelcome or just not right.

My heart feels for you and your very difficult plight.

Why do so many have to suffer and have such a difficult row to hoe?

I don’t have the answers, but this much I have seen do know:

I see character and virtues emerge from trials and despair.

I see love, compassion and caring from people everywhere.

I see patience and long-suffering that have refined these great souls.

I see a focus on the things that really matter most, determination in their goals.

As I sit here thinking about these people I believe are real saints,

my troubles now look small and petty; I will gladly bear them without complaint.

Life is not fair I said again, to those with these burdens to bear,

these great souls inspire me to be better, to endure without murmur and fear.


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