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Roger Bird

Lay Hold On Every Good Thing

Updated: Jan 16, 2022

How do we bring good things into our lives and have them stay?

How do we remain in the grace of God, each and every day?

The answer is given in the scriptures, the pleasing word of the Almighty King -

the choicest blessings are bestowed on those who seek His will

and obey Him in all things.

Moroni taught that belief in Christ is the key,

“thus by faith, they did lay hold upon every good thing”. (Moroni 7: 20-24,33)

Is this a promise only to be achieved while living beyond in the next sphere?,

or are we entitled to the good favor of God while we are laboring here?

Obedience to God’s laws can bring rewards now as well as later on, (Mosiah 2:24)

if we keep God’s commandments, we are promised that we will prosper in the land.

God desires to give us that which will benefit us the most in our ascent,

these blessings may be both temporal and spiritual – He endows us with that

which is most provident.

The law of the harvest also tells us plainly so we may know,

that: “we will reap whatsoever we sow”. (Galatians 6:7) (D&C 6:33)

If we plant that which is good, we will receive the same in great measure, (D&C 6:33)

for that which we send out, will come back as a cherished treasure. (Alma 41:15)

For every law kept there is a promised blessing,

every benefit is secured and predicated upon a righteous action. (D&C 130:20-21)

We must take heed to not covet wealth that has no lasting value or eternal purpose,

for a man’s life consists not in the abundance of the things which he possesses.

(Luke 12:15)

We should seek the best gifts so that we can enrich the lives of others,

not for selfish purposes but to advance the cause of our family and neighbors.

For what does it profit a man if he gains the world but loses his soul?

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Luke 12:34)

The proverb: “as a man thinketh in his heart so is he”, (Proverbs 23:7)

is a reality that our thoughts have a bearing on what we can be.

The promise of “ask and ye shall receive” works when we petition things

God would sanction,

when we “ask not amiss” we shall receive God’s divine approbation. (3 Nephi 27:29)

The gates and windows of heaven will open wide by these means,

faith, obedience, good works and charity we invite into our lives

brings precious blessings.

March 2021

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