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Roger Bird

Law and Order / Mercy and Justice

Updated: Dec 1, 2021

(Alma Chapter 42)

Within divine laws multiple blessings lay;

there are certain rewards for those who follow and obey.

Because of just rules given by heaven above,

justice and order prevail; we have conditions that promote brotherly love.

A law must always have it’s consequence, whether great or small;

a blessing or punishment is attached to all.

Imagine the world without law and order; where chaos reigns,

where every creature from their worst intentions could not be restrained.

Without standards, guidelines, boundaries and rules,

it would be every-person-for-themselves; we would continually act like fools.

We would see the worst that the natural man can offer; (verse 10)

selfishness and greed would abundantly prosper.

The thought of punishment usually keeps us in line, (verse 20)

since consequence for unrepentant sin is a penalty and fine.

When a law is broken, a price must inevitably be paid;

for the truly penitent, the Savior provided the way for our escape to be made.

Mercy cannot rob justice, but can appease it’s demands, (verse 15)

the atonement of Christ makes possible this redemptive plan.

Our Savior, as advocate, always pleads our case,

and makes possible a rescue from the effects of sin for the whole human race.

He offers us a better deal than the one we had before,

as we repent and seek forgiveness, he opens our prison door.

The law of sacrifice, with mercy at it’s core,

can heal the contrite soul, now and forevermore.

To give one’s all, even (unto death) to sacrifice a life,

the gift He freely gives makes possible our spiritual rebirth.

To give one’s life and free another from the consequence of sins;

is the greatest love that one can give to their friends. (John 15:13)

Only an infinite and eternal sacrifice by the one so perfect and just, (verse 15)

will cleanse our souls and make us worthy to be so blessed.

He satisfies the debt, makes the payment in full,

our enormous debt is forgiven and we no longer look the fool.

We are required to do the same for every sister or brother,

who owe us a debt that cannot compare with our own to another.

Like a multifaceted gem that glistens in the light,

the blessings of the atonement are ever a delight.

Forgiving, enabling, ennobling powers and blessings of the atonement are the tender mercies that we can receive,

if we only repent, have faith and believe.

This earthly time is the time for men to prepare to meet God,

while the sun is shining, we must work to do His will and his praises laud.

Where God dwells, only the righteous can be received,

it is not a dwelling place for those who have allowed themselves to be deceived.

Heaven is not the place for those who are unclean, filthy or wicked;

Only the truly righteous, faithful and penitent are permitted.

(1 Nephi 10:21) (3 Nephi 27:19) (Alma 7: 21) (Alma 11:37) (Alma 40:26)

Men cannot be saved in their sins, but they can be saved from their sins and disobedience to God’s law,

this is a truth that Amulek taught to Zeezrom in the land of Ammonihah. (Alma 11:37)

There is a way for us to return to God and our heavenly home,

We must follow the rules and from them not roam.

We can escape from this monster called death and hell,

if we believe in Christ and accept his atoning gift, we will do well.

Surely he has carried our sorrows and borne our griefs,

with his stripes we are healed and from our sins we can find relief. (Isaiah 53: 4-5)


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