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Roger Bird

Judge Righteously

Updated: Dec 1, 2021

How do you take measure of a man without first walking in their place?

How do you remove a mote from another’s eye when a beam is in your eyes upon your face?

We rarely see clearly all the trials a person has endured;

To judge without seeing all the facts or all the sides makes our perspective obscured.

We are admonished to judge, but only with righteous intent,

To judge with righteous insight is a difficult and trying event.

Perhaps we first should start with pure and sincere motives,

seeking the welfare and best interest of others should be our primary objectives.

As Jesus best showed us the way when he said “I condemn you not”,

judging without condemning is the goal that we should set.

To see another person as only God can see,

the potential of every soul thus shines forth easily.

This is a responsibility that we can only do right,

If we are guided by the Spirit and seek to obtain that light.

It is best to know before we proceed,

that any judgment we make will be the same used for you and me.

Seems only fair that we are judged the way we judge others,

it puts us all on the same playing field when we judge our sisters and brothers.


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