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Roger Bird

Improve and Give

Updated: Dec 1, 2021

(Alma 34: 33, D&C 82: 18, Matthew 25: 14-29)

What is the message of the talents that we should know?

Is it to improve what we receive regardless of what we seek to grow?

Improve that which we have been given, whatever it may be,

“With God all things are possible”, may well be the key.

Seek to obtain talents that we currently do not possess,

talents that are untried but can be ours if the effort is our best.

Seek the best gifts is the counsel we have received,

Every person has a gift, in this we should know and not be deceived.

Some people seem to have all of the gifts we desire,

these are gifts we may obtain as well, if we only have the fire.

God has given us weakness that can eventually be to us a strength,

most things if exercised can grow stronger, if we go to every length.

Give that which you have improved to those in need,

care for those who lack, the hungry and the poor we should feed.

Does God give more to those who would use these things well,

reward us for acting responsibly as we try not to fail?

“Where much is given, much is required” is a message we understand.

A faithful steward of God’s gifts and blessings is bound to comprehend.

Jacob understood well that giving is the purpose of seeking wealth,

giving to those in need regardless of their circumstances will lead to our spiritual health.

King Benjamin taught that we should not judge others in their need,

even when the misery is self-inflicted, we should still give heed.

The care of our families we are obligated first and foremost to provide,

with any excess we should seek to help others and be a noble guide.

To improve, increase and multiply that which we so abundantly receive,

is our assignment from heaven that we should desire to achieve.

The windows of heaven are opened when we give part of what we receive to others,

then will endless blessings come and our cup will runneth over.


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