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Roger Bird

How To Treat Others

Updated: Dec 1, 2021

This is how we can know who the disciples of Christ really are;

this instruction was given by Christ, he set the standard and the bar.

Love one another and treat others as you would have them do to you;

this is the sign by which you can tell and the greatest thing his disciples can do.

This lesson He has taught often and made abundantly clear,

when we love and serve others, we are doing the same to Him, our Redeemer.

Whether it is loving your neighbor as yourself, or loving an enemy and making him a friend,

treating others with respect and kindness is the goal from the beginning to the end.

There may not be a harder thing to do,

than to love and forgive others who have abused or persecuted you.

The way we judge others, is the way we will be judged as well.

Please use righteous judgement, the kind that only God can reveal.

Extend mercy and forgiveness when you have been wronged,

was the counsel given by the one so perfect and morally strong.

How can we not forgive the debt of another when our debt to Him is so much more?

Consider what he has forgiven of you and you will rejoice evermore.

Imparting to those who are in need is the counsel He gave time after and time again,

“leave no one behind” is his admonition to his friends.

Administer to the sick and afflicted, this is what the Savior taught we should do in fact,

when we seek the welfare of others, He will tell us in detail how to act.

The road home is long, with many a winding turn and steep, narrow walls,

I see a brother stumble along the way; I take hold of him before he falls.

He cannot make it alone, and neither can I,

I know he will do the same for me, by and by.

I cannot leave him behind; no burden is he to bear,

I cannot arrive alone, together we will get there.

You see, he is my brother – there is no way he can encumber me.

I am strong enough to carry him on this difficult journey.

When we are in the service of our fellow man,

we are only in the service of God and his eternal plan.

When we find ourselves outside the circle, excluded by one with an unkind word, act or sin,

we can draw another circle and let the one who offends and others enter in.

Treat others as you would your best friend,

Do your best to not harm or to offend.

Go find the one who is lost, feed his sheep and lambs,

Restore those who wander to the fold and the safety of the band.


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