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Roger Bird

Highly Favored of God

Updated: Dec 3, 2021

God seeks to bless all of us with all he has,

In this, He is no respecter of persons.

It matters not what race, gender or nationality we belong to,

He will give chances and opportunities more than one or two.

We are equal in the eyes of the Lord in this regard,

He wants all to receive of his tender mercies and and not be barred.

All those of faith, testimony and conviction of the Christ, every woman and man,

will be given responsibility to share with others the great gospel plan.

God will reward those according to their works and the covenants they keep,

As we can see from the parables of the ten virgins, talents, the goats and the sheep. (Matthew 25)

The kingdom of God is not filthy, so no one can enter therein, (1 Nephi 15:34)

unless they are clean and pure and redeemed from sin.

Those accepted of Him are those who worketh righteousness, (Acts 10:34)

Those who live as God requires and try their very best.

The elect know Him and hear His voice, (D&C 29:7)

their hearts are right before God; they have made the right choice.

Through the covenant people all the nations of the earth will be blessed, (Acts 3: 25)

the seed of Abraham will take the gospel to all the rest.

The highly favored of God are those who act righteously, (1 Nephi 17: 35)

those who keep the commandments and seek the will of God continually.

The chosen of God are those who are called and respond, (D&C 121: 40, Matthew 22:14)

without the unrighteous dominion so common to man.

We determine our place and status by our actions and intent of our hearts,

it is only ourselves who decide that we should be kept apart.

Those highly favored covenant people have been given this charge,

go forth and take His word to the world at large.

Turn the blemished into pure, help make every person brim,

make every person favored and chosen and acceptable unto Him.

The three degrees of glory work much the same way,

in the end we will be judged by what we think, do and say.

God loves us all and wants for us the best,

But he reserves his choicest blessings for those who pass the test.


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