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Roger Bird

Hard Things

Updated: Jan 5, 2022

The call had come, the letter laying folded on the table.

He would start in three months if he accepted and was willing and able.

It would be a great undertaking, almost like an expedition

to a land and people foreign to him - many in need of spiritual conversion.

He had never undertaken such an adventurous mission.

It was frankly way beyond his experience and comprehension.

He had never done anything even remotely like this before.

It was way out of his comfort zone, with no frame of reference to compare.

His life had been mostly unremarkable, no actions that really shined -

there were no significant accomplishments that marked his passage of time.

He was excited but there was also much trepidation and fear.

He had led such a sheltered life - that was now becoming abundantly clear.

This young man had yet to do any hard things in his life -

no real challenges that had proved him capable and worthy in the face of

difficulty or strife.

This was definitely a leap of faith into the unknown and uncertain -

a step into the darkness to obtain light that would provide needed illumination.

After all, he was still young and knew very little about what life was all about.

His testimony was not yet forged in the refining fires of adversity and doubt.

He was now relying on a few experiences and the faith of others.

Would it be enough to see him through the next two years?

Could the Lord make up for all that he lacked?

Could he lean on Him when each trial proves harder than the last?

Now many years later, this man faces another severe test.

He looked back to find memories that would inspire him to do his best.

He had now done some hard things over the course of many years.

He had built a life on following personal revelation that had hushed his many fears.

His mind and body were now weaker in the fading light of day,

but there was resolve that would carry him through another hard thing in

much the same way.

He would rely on God and trust in Him in all things.

He could do this hard thing with the Lord as his guide and the wind beneath his wings.

December 2021

Psalms 60: 3 Thou hast shewed thy people hard things: thou hast made us to drink the wine of astonishment.

“Trust becomes real when we do hard things with faith. Service and sacrifice increase capacity and refine hearts. Trust in God and each other brings heaven’s blessings”.

(Gerrit W. Gong, “Trust Again”, October 2021)

“Frequently, our first reaction to hard things is “Why me?” Asking why, however, never takes away the hard thing. The Lord requires that we overcome challenges, and He has indicated “that all these things shall give [us] experience, and shall be for [our] good.” (M. Joseph Brough, “Lift Up Your Head and Rejoice”, October 2018)

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