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Roger Bird


I would highly recommend that you view the youtube video called “Hallelujah: First Vision”. It is amazing and captures the essence of Joseph’s experience in the Sacred Grove. My faith and testimony in God have been bolstered because of the life of the Prophet Joseph. Here is my tribute to this great man and the ancient record that he translated:

Praise to the man who communed with Jehovah, ushering in a new dispensation,

who knelt before God in earnest prayer to obtain divine revelation.

As a seeker of truth, he was prompted by advice from James in the Bible,

that if any man lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, in any way he is able.

Asking God in sincere humble prayer will open the heavens,

and give liberally to all who petition solutions to their problems.

This young man, so fresh and with no apparent skill,

was called by God to follow Him and do his will.

He was flawed in the ways of living, as each of us sometimes are,

there would be hard lessons learned and sore repentance required.

God provided means, small and simple in earthly form,

to enable the translation of a history and faith of an ancient civilization.

The plates would be of no earthly value but the record itself was priceless,

the treasure was the word of God inscribed by ancient prophets.

Those who wrote as he dictated, were amazed that this unlearned young man,

could reveal the word of God under the inspiration of heaven.

The scribes witnessed the miracle and testified of this incredible work,

those were days never to be forgotten - even the bringing forth of this enlightening book.

He would lose the gift for a season or two as he struggled with those who doubted,

many wanted tangible proof but would that really satisfy the skeptical and hardhearted?

The record itself bears witness of its truth, without exaggeration or boast,

those with a sincere desire can receive a witness from the Holy Ghost.

The poetry, mastery of words, form and flow enhance the story,

of the good word of God and the deliverance by Christ and his work and glory.

The message of the book is plain and precious and can be clearly seen,

salvation comes to those who believe in Christ, those who truly desire to be redeemed.

A marvelous work and wonder has come forth in our day, (Isaiah 29:14)

we honor the Prophet Joseph for his sacrifice, perseverance and obedient ways.

February 2021

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