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Roger Bird

Greater Love

What is the greatest act a person can make for another?

Would it be to sacrifice everything for a cherished friend, beloved sister or brother?

Do you have a friend or loved one for whom you would gladly give your life?

would you do anything if you could rescue them from a crisis born of worldly strife?

The heroes of our time volunteer willingly to save another from harm’s way,

they give little thought to their own safety, comfort or what others may say.

This role as proxy - to fill another’s shoes and take their place,

is to liberate others from punishment, grief and troubles, every indignity or disgrace.

What is the greatest gift we can receive? Is it to be forgiven? -

to feel the overwhelming relief of being reclaimed - that our sins will be forgotten?

There was one who descended in the meridian of time, worthy to save others from sin,

He alone could repair and make complete every person – all the sons of men.

God, in his infinite wisdom sent his Son to the earth,

to fulfill his eternal role and mission ordained before his birth.

The Lamb of God came to ransom those penitent and humble,

those who would believe in Him and his role as our redeemer - one born in a lowly stable.

The miracle of the atonement of Christ is one not so easily understood,

this is a gift that He freely gives to those who would partake and seek to do good.

Where the Savior steps-in and rescues us is where love is found in its greatest expression,

the many facets and dimensions of this sacrifice escape our comprehension.

To be cleansed every whit is a blessing beyond compare,

forgiveness and repentance cover a multitude of sins and save us from sorrow and despair.

To be better at the end than we were at the beginning,

is how repentance and change work – to turn away from sinning.

To be snatched from spiritual destruction is immense solace that swells the soul -

like Joseph, Paul, Alma and other sinners who were eventually made well and whole.

This is God’s work and his glory to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man,

His ultimate goal is to bring us back home, to become better persons - molded by His loving hands.

Easter is a time of refreshing, a time of rebirth, to rejoice in another chance - a fresh start,

to remember God and His Son who make it possible for us to change our ways and heal our hearts.

Greater love hath no man, than to give his life for his friends -

the Savior is willing and able to forgive us and provides the way for us to make amends.


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