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Roger Bird

Grace and Mercy

Updated: Dec 1, 2021

(A tribute to Alma the Younger, Enos, King Lamoni and Alma Chapter 34)

“How is it done?”, a humbled man asked in great relief.

The answer came at once, “it is because of your exceeding faith and belief.”

My tarnished soul is now swept clean, my past sins erased.

My sincere appeal to God was rewarded with His grace.

When I came to myself and realized the folly of the life I lived,

I cried within my soul and besought God to offer peace and forgive.

“O Jesus, thou Son of God, have mercy” was my fervent plea.

I thought that I was doomed, that my sins would surely condemn me.

My spirit was in anguish; I implored: “please remove my stains”;

I now see the mistakes that are the cause of these immense and guilty pains.

“Please have mercy and break the chains of the sins that have me bound,

I now realize the error of my ways in which I am found”.

If justice exacts its full claim, I have no chance, no way to go back.

Only one can raise me up and provide that which I lack.

Mercy can satisfy the demands of justice only by the great and last eternal sacrifice,

of one so perfectly clean who lovingly paid the price.

How is it possible that I, being so flawed and weak,

can overcome the errors of my past and receive the grace that I so desperately seek?

There is no earthly recompense that I can make.

A broken heart and a contrite spirit is what it will take.

As I consider how to get from here to there,

I see the stains on my soul are now gone, they have disappeared.

With true repentance comes a wonderful gift;

another chance, a new lease on life, from one so willing to lift.

There is only one name under Heaven by which men can be saved and exaltation find:

Jesus the Christ, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, the Savior of mankind.

Now my joy is as exquisite as my pain was extreme.

This was made possible only by the mercy and grace of that one Supreme Being.


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