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Roger Bird

Good Tidings

Inspired by the Book of Luke, Chapter 2

The shepherd drew his coat around him more tightly.

The night was getting colder, the warmth of the day fading rapidly.

His brothers were sitting by the fire while he kept closer watch.

It was his turn to keep the sheep safe by guarding the little flock.

He turned and gazed upward as a bright light filled the sky.

In that instant the heavens opened and celestial beings appeared to fly.

He stumbled backwards at first from fear and fright,

then stood and watched with wonder, rapture and great delight.

A heavenly messenger appeared in the midst of the glorious scene.

He delivered news that people throughout the ages have long since esteemed.

This was a message of good tidings of great joy -

that day the Son of God, even the Christ, was born a precious baby boy.

The angel told them where they would find the babe -

then a multitude of heavenly host joined in anthems of praise.

Peace and goodwill toward all men would now be ushered in -

the Savior of the world had come to save all mankind from sin.

As the angel departed and the heavenly light faded from view,

the shepherds conversed quickly about the course they should pursue.

Securing their camp, they started for Bethlehem in great haste.

They set off with feelings of elation and joy, realizing there was no time to waste.

They soon arrived and approached the humble stable with reverence and wonder,

then knelt in worship before the baby, cuddled in the arms of His mother.

Their hearts were overflowing with jubilation beyond anything they ever thought -

for they were touched by the spirit as they shared this transcendent event.

They related the details of the angelic encounter to Mary and Joseph -

then excitedly made known abroad the things they had experienced.

Throughout the years the shepherds would eagerly tell everyone they met:

they had seen angels descending from heaven and witnessed the coming of the Christ.


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