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Roger Bird

From Fear to Faith

Updated: Jan 5, 2022

Fear held it’s grip like a vise upon my soul.

It faced me from all directions and would not let go.

Everywhere I turned from morning to night,

I fought hard to escape it’s grasp with all my might.

The stress and worry seemed relentless -

it was an overwhelming feeling of failure and emptiness.

Then in my searching, in my communion with God,

I realized that I had been here before and had been saved despite my flaws.

That was a different situation at another place and time,

but I had prospered when I put my faith and trust in the powers of the divine.

“This too will pass” I thought as I summoned the strength to endure -

I need only rely on the tender mercies of the Lord that He wants me to secure.

I have found that turning fear into faith is easier said than done.

It would be impossible without the grace and mercy of the Holy One.

This scripture has special meaning and helps me in every degree:

“I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me”.

The powers of darkness are very real and ever striving

to thwart our good intentions and keep us forever doubting.

The yoke of the Savior is easy – he will graciously lighten our burdens and give us rest.

With God as our partner, we can move ahead into the unknown to seek that which is best.

As we bind ourselves to Christ with faith and righteous actions,

our lives are filled with confidence, lasting joy and protection.

I know I will look back one day and see only one set of footprints in the sand.

He has carried me many times in the past and will do so again.

Looking back to times where I saw the power of God in my life,

I'm reminded of the many times the Lord has seen me through pain and strife.

I am trying to “hush my fears” just like people in every generation –

with the help of the Godhead I know I can prevail in every situation.

So, if you are like me and not sure of the way forward,

look to God and His Son who provide all we need to go onward.

October 2021

“But Alma went forth and stood among them, and exhorted them that they should not be frightened, but … should remember the Lord their God and he would deliver them. “Therefore they hushed their fears” (Mosiah 23:27–28). ….

We can be blessed to conquer our fears and strengthen our faith as we follow the Lord’s instruction: “Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not” (D&C 6:36). “Exercising faith in and on the holy name of Jesus Christ, meekly submitting to His will and timing in our lives, and humbly acknowledging His hand in all things yield the peaceable things of the kingdom of God that bring joy and eternal life” (see DC 42:61).

“Even as we encounter difficulties and face the uncertainties of the future, we can cheerfully persevere and live a “peaceable life in all godliness and honesty” (1 Timothy 2:2). We can be blessed to hush our fears as we receive the fortitude that comes from learning and living gospel principles and resolutely pressing forward on the covenant pathway” David A. Bednar (“Therefore They Hushed Their Fears”, General Conference, April 2015)

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