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Roger Bird

“Forgive Them”

Updated: Dec 1, 2021

Perhaps the greatest words ever said, were made by one as he hung from a tree;

“Father, forgive them for they know not what they do”, to me.

Only one with God-like mercy could offer such forgiveness as He was nailed to a cross;

the excruciating pain would make any mere human focus only on their loss.

This kind of meekness and unselfishness we can also see,

in great men and women who have followed the Holy One from Galilee.

Nephi said this simply about his older brothers who caused him such grief and strife;

“ I frankly forgave them”, even after they repeatedly tried to take his life.

It is hard to imagine what pure love it really takes,

to forgive those who abuse you and destroy the good life you have tried to make.

What kind of inner strength, character and pure goodness does it require,

to turn the other cheek and give freely to those who would drag you through the mire?

To walk another mile, to give your only cloak.

What kind of person does this? What do these thoughts invoke?

Can we really follow the example of those refined in the fire of adversity,

to love our enemy and pray for those who use us despitefully?

This kind of thinking, these kinds of Godly acts;

aren’t they reserved only for the perfect or a time and place in the past?

Surely this advice to frankly forgive is only pure theory,

not meant for living on this sphere, with conditions often so dreary.

How does one go about the change in thinking needed to make these ideals come about as such?

A softening of the heart is required and achieved through the Spirit’s gentle touch.

How can we develop the kind of attributes and qualities that would raise us to higher


We must look to the one whose thoughts are better, who can lift us to see His face.

“Walk with Me”, “Come, Follow Me” was the admonition of a King,

“Look to Me” in all things and you will learn the most important things.

He has given us a guide, a Liahona that will make the way sure,

the words of Christ will deliver us over the gulf of misery and make our salvation secure.

As we attempt to take upon ourselves His ever sacred name,

we will recognize His example and the direction we should aim.


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