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Roger Bird


Updated: Dec 1, 2021

How can you believe in something that you cannot hear, touch or see?

If it does not stimulate the physical senses, how can it exist or be?

How can I know that Christ lived on earth and still lives today?

I was not there to see Him - how can I know the way?

I was not there to see Jesus in his life here on earth in the meridian of time,

I did not see him teach or walk the roads of Palestine.

I did not see him hang on the cross or rise from the tomb,

but I believe that He lived, the words of those before giving room.

When you cannot touch, hear, or see but others have,

you can rely on credible witnesses who testified of experiences they had.

We have the written record of many who have heard and seen,

their testimony is consistent with others who have also received.

You can also rely on your spiritual senses to guide you in your search,

for in every person is instilled the light of Christ, given to each from birth.

The Holy Ghost can inspire every human heart and mind,

giving sight to spiritual eyes and illuminating mankind.

The spiritual senses are just as real as those of the physical realm,

when one pays attention and seeks, what they find will overwhelm.

When you feel deep inside the prompting from the powers that rule above,

that feeling can bring tears of joy and a sense of great love.

Isn’t this as real as something that we can see or touch?

a powerful impression by the spirit can enlighten us so much.

When Christ healed the blind, they may have seen more than that with their eyes,

they may have viewed him as the son of God; his divinity they realized.


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