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Roger Bird

Everything Will Work Out

Updated: Dec 1, 2021

Do things really work out the way they should?

Would we do things differently if we could?

Do things always turn out for the best?

Is every trial or challenge just one more moral test?

Is it true that when one door closes, another one opens?

good things happen to those who believe and don’t give up hope then.

Do we really get what we deserve?

even when life seems to continually throw us a curve?

When life doesn’t go our way and we are turned aside,

do we keep on trying or run away and hide?

There are better things just waiting around the bend,

it takes faith and patience to turn a great challenge into a friend.

What did you learn from that last episode?

Did it teach you something that will help lighten your load?

Few things of value come without paying a price,

it may mean we get to experience things that are often not so nice.

The journey can only be made by those who persevere,

those who truly try to get from there to here.

Things will work out; everything happens for a reason,

for every thing there is a time and a season.

Life is what you make it and what you make it is up to you,

the power is within yourself to succeed in all that you do.

Everything will fall into place, will eventually be made right,

keep on moving ahead and keep trying with all your might.

“Where there is no pain, there is no gain”, is advice often expressed,

many things become stronger when exercised or stressed.

To stand against the wind, the oak tree sends its roots deep into the ground;

the tree, thus firmly planted, is much more stable and sound.

As we stand at the crossroads and try to see our way,

we must have hope that there will be a brighter day.

You have brains in your head and feet in your shoes,

you can steer yourself in any direction you choose. (Dr. Seuss)


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