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Roger Bird

Dust in the Wind

The breeze blows where it will,

the dust and leaves follow every surging gale.

Changing course, going wherever it must

the prevailing winds dictating the direction of dust.

A ship too, when guided by a sturdy sail,

is driven by the wind and a rudder, which the sailor hopes will never fail.

Humans too, list with the winds of our time,

following the whims, trends and philosophies of mankind. (Ephesians 4: 14)

Are we all just “dust in the wind” as the song says?

without purpose when we fail to see the plan God has for us?

How can we be sure and steadfast and always be firm

in our character and the values from our God that we have learned?

Hope and faith maketh an anchor to the souls of the saints of God, (Ether 12: 4) (Hebrews 6: 19)

whereby we may be sure and steadfast and planted firmly in the gospel sod.

Are we grounded upon the rock of Christ as our foundation, (Helaman 5: 12) (Matthew 7: 25)

so that the winds of adversity don’t destroy our testimony and our salvation?

How about the man who built his house upon the rock instead of the sand? (Matthew 7: 21-27)

the winds blew and beat upon the house and the house fell not, as Christ helped us understand.

Those who take Jesus as their shepherd and hold him dear, (Mormon 5: 18)

will not be tossed upon the waves without sail, anchor or a way to steer.

Sept 2020

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