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Roger Bird


Updated: Feb 20, 2022

Compassion: sympathy and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.

Inspired by 3 Nephi 17: 6-10

The man sat afar off, not knowing what he should do.

He gazed down the hill as the size of the excited crowd grew.

In the midst of the gathering stood the preacher called Jesus,

considered a holy prophet or to some as His name implied: “God with us”.

Simon had heard the stories that seemed too good to be true -

tales of miracles and the healing of many afflicted gentiles and Jews.

A fall from a tree in his youth had left him lame -

after that tragic event his life was never the same.

He could walk with crutches, but only with difficulty.

He lived in the shadows - his life one of silent obscurity.

Dared he go forward and beg for mercy –

or would he be judged for bringing on himself a life of misery.

Then he heard the voice of the Master emanate from the throng –

“Bring me all your sick, your lame, those who have suffered long”.

His heart leapt at that instant – he could hardly believe his ears.

Could it be possible that he could be healed after all these years?

The crowd parted as the impaired and injured came forth at the invitation -

the feeling in the throng changing from curiosity to tender compassion.

He went forward slowly and then was carried by friends quite swiftly

and placed at the feet of the Holy One from the land of Galilee.

Simon was lifted up, embraced and made whole and well in spirit and body -

a life changing moment and a summons to “Come follow me”.

Following the example of the Savior and doing likewise,

is a calling to seek the welfare of others and develop the ability to empathize.

When we seek to offer relief to others in their times of pain or grief,

it is an expression of the love of God from true disciples of Christ.


“The expression of compassion for others is, in fact, the essence of the gospel of Jesus Christ and a marked evidence of our spiritual and emotional closeness to the Savior. Furthermore, it shows the level of influence He has on our way of life and demonstrates the magnitude of our spirits.” - Ulisses Soares, October 2021

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