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Roger Bird

Color and Light

Updated: Dec 1, 2021

Can you even imagine a world without color and it’s artistic style?

Consider the thought and ponder upon it awhile.

When you look at nature, it’s colors on display,

you see all the colors of the rainbow, blacks, whites and gray.

The pink blossoms of the apple tree, early in the spring,

The purples, reds and blues of flowers and the wonder and joy they bring.

The majestic winter mountains, their peaks painted in white,

are only a small sample of the colors in which we delight.

The white flowing clouds and the breathtaking blues of the sky,

all the colors of life make me take notice and wonder how and why.

The leaves and the grass so green in the hills,

so abundant and almost effusive at times that I get a great thrill.

I have seen the greens of grass and trees so dazzling and bright

sending electricity through senses that my soul almost takes flight.

Thousands of shades of colors, too many to comprehend,

The facets and intensity of light changing the colors that never end.

When darkness descends and the light disappears,

the colors lie dormant awaiting for light to appear.

Light and color are complimentary and together they achieve,

a visual tapestry of color that we find hard to believe.

The red rock canyons and mesas of the desert glimmer in the summer light and heat,

These are some of the vistas that you will find hard to beat.

The blue and turquoise oceans found all over the earth,

are colors we recognize and admire soon after our birth.

The orange and yellow orchids, what a colorful display,

few scenes in this world are so treasured as they.

The pink and purple sunsets so magnificent in skies in the west,

yellow, then orange and now red are some of the best.

Color is everywhere and brightens an otherwise drab and dreary world,

When we go to heaven will the shades there be more unfurled?

We can only imagine the colors in which heaven is created,

the brightness and glory will defy all those that have awaited.


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