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Roger Bird

Cast Your Bread Upon the Water

Updated: Dec 1, 2021

(Ecclesiastes 11: 1 and Alma Chapter 41)

“Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days”, (Ecclesiastes 11:1)

is a verse of scripture that may be realized in many ways.

Alma the Younger taught his son Corianton a similar metaphor:

“For that which ye do send out shall return unto you again, and be restored”. (Alma Chapter 41)

The efforts we make come back to us in ways that we may never expect,

we should therefore take care that good actions we do not neglect.

I have often thought that the more I give, the more I have received in return,

this is a lesson that I need to remember more often and seek to relearn.

Casting my bread upon the water and seeing it come back in greater measure,

are experiences that I can testify to and will always treasure.

I marvel at how God so graciously gives me when I try to others lift,

the meager amount I impart is multiplied and others receive the benefit.

It may be like feeding the five thousand upon the hill,

so little was provided at the start but in the end every soul was filled.

When we do good, good things to us are restored, you could say,

every action we take, will be returned to us in much the same way.

Do unto others and the same will be done to you,

the way we judge others will be how we are judged too.

Being merciful, dealing justly, doing good continually all have their recompense,

(Alma 41:14)

just as we treat others we will find God will give back to us.

When you think about how truly perfect God’s law of justice really is,

it makes you wonder why we don’t adhere and follow; it is just common sense.

There are so many ways in which God wants to bless us,

this is just one more that we can count on with total confidence.

The bread could represent any kind of seed, that once planted and nourished with care,

brings forth more of it’s kind in the harvest later in the year.

From one good act or kindness that we share,

can come a multitude or plethora of similar blessings that are so fair.

It is said that by small and simple things great things are brought to pass,

casting off or sending out good will bring good back with effects that will last.


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