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Roger Bird

“Call Back Later”

Perhaps the greatest mystery of all,

is how God is ever-present, constantly on call.

How can He respond to the petitions of all his kids,

numbers of souls too numerous for our count, but we are all His.

We never hear a message from Him saying “Sorry, I am at the beach today”,

Or “let me get some rest”, “don’t bother me now”, or “just go away”.

He never puts us on hold, when he takes other callers

or asks us to check back later, that he is too busy to bother.

How does He do it all and all the time?

How is it possible to always be so engaged? - it’s a concept that boggles the mind.

It is beyond our reach to fully understand or comprehend, (Mosiah 4:9)

that God knows everything from the beginning to the end.

Perhaps only parents who have raised a plethora of kids will catch a glimpse,

of how he can be aware of us constantly, especially when we are in a pinch.

Of course, God has helpers - angels standing by,

the Godhead is a team working in sync to respond to our needs, every heartfelt cry.

We may foolishly think that when things don’t go our way,

that God is not paying attention or he is punishing us for going astray.

God is not our personal genie that we can conjure up to grant every wish or whim,

but we have His promise of personal attention when we sincerely pray and try not to sin.

We may fail to see how much He cares, how much he loves us,

we take so much for granted - we go about our lives completely nonplussed.

How shallow is the human mind that shows enmity to God when things don’t go as they plan,

it is one of God’s greatest pleasures to bless us and lend an Almighty hand.

He gives us spiritual tools to help us figure things out,

when we “come to ourselves” we will see clearly what gifts such as prayer are all about.

He respects our agency and gives us freedom to choose,

eternal laws He made and will never abuse.

This is His work and His Glory to bring us home again,

all he asks is that we believe, even if we don’t understand.

He knows and comprehends all things, knows what is best for us when we don’t,

that’s why God is God and we are not.

August 2020

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