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Roger Bird


Updated: Jan 5, 2022

The word is distinct and everywhere to be found.

It is a word that can make one ponder - a word that is quite profound.

At the Christmas season, the word seems to really stand out.

You may find it on neighbors ornaments or decorations in your house.

The word could have many meanings, depending on the eye of the beholder.

It could be used in a secular setting or connected to something holier.

The power in the word and the concept are unmistakable -

for those who apply it, the results can be remarkable.

This has been said about the power of thought and belief:

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve”

It seems that nothing really happens until an idea forms and effort begins.

Belief is like a seed that can sprout and develop when desire overcomes and wins.

(Alma chapter 32)

At times, belief must jump over hurdles that we place in the path –

fear, doubt and inaction can snuff the flame of belief completely out.

Belief can mean stepping into the unknown without a safety net.

It can mean taking action on something others just don’t get.

Following up on your belief then will usually take courage and determination.

It will mean taking a stand for things that others may not have appreciation.

Belief is related to faith, but the two are not quite the same.

Faith is really belief combined with effort to achieve a worthy gain.

Faith is a decision to take a specific course –

to follow a belief until it has fulfilled the purpose of its inspired source.

The amount of faith and how it endures and toils,

can determine if mountains are moved or just a shovel of soil.

It is said that miracles can be achieved with the right amount of belief.

It is a repeatable and eternal principle where evidence is easily within our reach.

A grain of faith as large as a mustard seed can deliver great results -

“from small things, great things come to pass”. (1 Nephi 16: 29)

You can’t obtain belief and faith at the corner grocery store.

They must be sought in daily searching for better and for more.

When the ball is dropped, all will come grinding to a halt –

belief must be nourished continually or the fire will surely be doused.

In religious application, faith in God can provide real purpose and meaning to life.

It can provide peace and confidence in times of great trial and strife.

When belief and faith turn into true knowledge - then we can be fully assured.

This is the place God wants us - to know for certain, without doubt, with our calling and election made sure. (2 Peter 1:10)

December 2021

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