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Roger Bird

Be the One

Updated: Dec 15, 2021

October is National Bullying Awareness Month

The young man stood back and took in the scene.

All around him were new friends, kids once thoughtless or mean.

He had so few companions until recently -

he usually felt left out and was often treated cruelly.

He no longer felt isolated by his peers at school.

He was now included by the teens who he considered the most liked and cool.

It started when one of the most popular girls in the loop

had reached out and asked if he would join her math study group.

It all began with one person, one who had noticed and who cared -

one with concern and the gift of friendship to share.

From there other boys and girls who were at the top of the class,

invited him to activities, games and other fun stuff.

Before this happened he was often the subject of ridicule and jokes.

He was pushed around and looked down on from all kind of folks.

He did not have the same interests or possessions as many

and his clothes were not as new, as hip and not nearly as plenty.

He was awkward around others and not socially adept -

not blessed with much he thought, even intelligence.

At times in his misery he felt that life was not worth continuing.

He often thought in error: “without approval and friends what was the point of living” ?

That was then and thankfully in his past -

with all of his soul, he hoped this acceptance would last.

Now he was the one who looked around for those left out or forgotten,

or those who were bullied because they were different and downtrodden.

When the strong reach out to the weak, many can be benefited -

all it takes is a little effort for a whole community to be affected.

October 2021

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