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Roger Bird

Be Thankful

It was a simple message, so easily read -

“Be thankful” was all the sign said.

Gratitude is often spoken of as the mother of all virtues -

from this attitude emerges an abundance of God-like attributes.

The word “blessing” may be the best description for things that are an advantage to us.

It is used often to describe God’s eternal benevolence.

Like a tree springing forth from a seed,

the branches of gratitude spread wide to favor all who give heed.

Gratitude is the progenitor of humility and reveals our true nature.

It enables us to see more clearly the influence of a higher power.

It is a recognition that all we have comes from divine providence and grace

and results in thanksgiving and rejoicing for all God creates.

Gratitude also guides our gentle ways to appreciate the efforts of others

and acknowledge the gifts bestowed by family, friends and neighbors.

A fullness of joy can accompany the realization of blessings uncovered,

and creates a deep sense of peace and satisfaction in all that we frequently rediscover.

The counting of our many blessings can dispel sorrow and despair -

especially when we remember how fortunate we are to be here.

Consider just a few of the things we can be thankful for.

There are too many of God’s tender mercies to list – certainly hundreds more.

The sunrise and sunset create a painting of pink, orange and rose in horizons

east and west -

a testament to our daily existence on a planet so truly marvelous.

The dark clouds gather in the sky with drops of water to release,

providing essential moisture for every creature to use.

The sun gives us warmth and is the benefactor of every living thing,

providing vital nourishment to insects, animals and human beings.

The soil, with minerals that nourish plants, grow trees and provide shelter,

contain elements to produce things that make our lives better.

I can see you, hear you, and know how to communicate feelings and thoughts -

human interaction is a benefit beyond words to express.

What has God left out from providing the perfect conditions for our thriving?

One thing is evident. He has left out nothing.

January 2022

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