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Roger Bird

Angels to Bear You Up

Updated: Jan 16, 2022

The young man arose slowly from his knees -

he had just petitioned God for help with his heartfelt pleas.

There was a hole in his heart that he desperately wanted to fill.

He really needed heavenly aid for his grieving spirit to heal.

John’s dear mother had recently passed and he felt so empty and alone.

How could he cope living without her in his life and in their home?

She was always there for him, especially in his darkest moments,

giving support and unconditional love that was ever constant.

Now he was calling on all the angels the Lord could spare,

to bring him comfort from the sorrow he could hardly bear.

His mother had taught him well about the powers of heaven

and how they could be employed for each of God’s children.

God does not act alone in helping us with our daily cares -

He has the assistance of both earthly and celestial beings, all seeking our welfare.

The Holy Ghost can be our constant companion,

to testify of truth and bring comfort and protection.

John was also instructed about angels and their purpose -

that they can be enlisted by God to administer to us.

When we are engaged in the Lord’s work and qualify for his blessings,

He will go before us and His angels will uphold us in any provident situation.

Of course, the most significant power we receive is that from the atonement of Christ -

to enable us, ennoble us, succor us and loose the bands that bind us.

His mother had ministered often as a mortal angel in her time on Earth -

she never hesitated to help others in their times of need, distress or grief.

As these thoughts about heavenly powers came to his mind,

he was reassured by the spirit that he would be guided by a love divine.

He thought it was entirely possible and even natural,

that his mother would now be assigned as his guardian angel.

Miracles have not ceased in our day for those who have enough faith –

angels still minister to those who desire God’s good grace. (Moroni 7: 29)

December 2021

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