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Roger Bird


Updated: Dec 8, 2021

The angel Gabriel greeted the virgin with this salutation:

“Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women”. (Luke 1: 28)

Mary was startled by the angel’s sudden appearance and troubled by this annunciation.

Why had she found favor with God and honored by this angelic visitation?

Gabriel explained that she was chosen to receive a marvelous blessing -

to give birth to a holy child, the Son of the Most High and Heavenly King.

“How shall this be”? - she asked with some reservation.

How could she fulfill this sacred invitation?

The messenger explained what Mary could not naturally see:

“The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the Highest shall overshadow


After a moment she responded with a humble affirmation.

“Let it be unto me according to thy word” - was her willing declaration.

Gabriel departed and left her to marvel at the magnitude of this divine conception.

Mary was both astonished and humbled by her new role and earthly mission.

How could she raise the Son of God to help Him fulfill his destiny?

How would she guide the Messiah, along with other members of her future family?

She surely struggled to gain more understanding to her many questions.

Fasting and prayer may have helped bring needed inspiration.

The angel Gabriel had revealed her relative Elizabeth’s maternal condition

and said “with God, nothing shall be impossible” as an admonition.

Could Elizabeth help her further understand her blessed situation?

She decided to go and see how it was with her older cousin.

As she welcomed her, Elizabeth received a witness of Mary’s holy calling.

Mary was thrilled at this spiritual confirmation and rejoiced in her Savior and her people’s coming salvation.

In time there would be the arduous journey to Bethlehem, a wonderous night in the stable,

the birth of the Christ child and visits from both the meek and the noble.

Over the years as she raised this small child into a man of perfect wisdom,

she would often “ponder in her heart” what would become of Him.

She likely was His most trusted disciple and faithful follower,

but the role she must have cherished most, was simply that of being His mother.


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