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Roger Bird

Ask and Receive

Updated: Dec 1, 2021

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve”. (Napoleon Hill)

With the power of intelligence, will and determination we can succeed.

This saying may give the human mind more credit than deserved,

because it is God that makes all things possible, it should be observed.

God gives inspiration and ability for every achievement of man,

enlightens the mind and understanding, makes possible every worthy plan.

There is no mysterious force in the universe that gives us what we desire,

it is heavenly grace from God, who is our Sire.

It is He that provides us with the righteous desires that we seek,

“ask and ye shall receive”, was the instruction from the Holy one so meek.

There are no exceptions to this rule:

“when we ask we will receive”, according to His will.

He opens up the heavens to bless us and fill our cup to overflow,

He is the source of all goodness and our ability to change and grow.

His gifts and tender mercies are often not bestowed in ways we may desire or expect,

or in the day or time that we think best.

We can lay hold on every good thing if we only have faith enough to spare,

when we make the effort, we will find that God will surely be there.

He has not left us to our own devices to find what we should,

He has prepared Liahonas to give us his word.

The words of Christ are so easy to obtain and abide;

He has given prophets, angels and the spirit to be our guides.

So, whenever we think we have done it alone and our greatness raise,

we need to remember that it is God who deserves our thanks and praise.

Nothing truly important in this life happens by chance,

it is according to His glorious plan that we live and can advance.


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